If you are concerned about the presence of radon in your home, you are not alone. The fact is that radon is an invisible, odorless gas that may be found in buildings around the world.
Home Security in 2015: Here’s How New Technology Can Keep You Even Safer
As homeowners’ efforts to secure their homes become more sophisticated, the fact is that criminals are also becoming more sophisticated. There are several new products on the market that you may consider installing and implementing in your home to improve security going forward.
Three Excellent Reasons to Buy a Home So You Can Get out of the “Renting Rut”
Renting a home is a good option for some, but buying a home just might be the best thing for you. Let’s take a look at some big advantages to buying a house that will help you get out of your renting rut and focus more on your future.
Are You Ready to Make the Leap into Home Ownership? Here’s How You Can Tell
Are you ready to make that leap from living at home or renting to owning a home of your own? While everyone moves at their own pace, here are some signs that you can use to determine if it is time to own your own home.
Trying to Sell a Home with Tenants Still Living Inside? These 3 Tips Will Make Your Life Easier
Are you thinking about selling a home that you have rented out for some additional revenue? In today’s blog post we’ll explore how to sell your home while you’re renting it out to tenants and share three tips that can make the process a bit easier.
First-Time Condo Buyer? What to Expect from Your New Homeowners Association
Every owner of condominium property automatically becomes a member of a homeowners association, otherwise referred to a “HOA” throughout the United States or a “Strata” in Canada. With that membership come certain rights and responsibilities.
Winter is Here: Prepare Your House with These Three Home Maintenance Tips
With colder temperatures starting you’ll need to spend an hour or two getting your home ready to deal with the possibility of harsher weather and below-freezing temperatures, depending on where you live. Let’s take a look at a few quick home maintenance tips that will help you get your house ready for the cold of winter.
Save Money on Your Home Energy Costs This Winter in Just Three Easy Steps
It doesn’t matter if you heat your home with electricity, natural gas or some other energy source; prices continue to rise and that means increased heating costs. In today’s blog post we’ll share three easy ways that you can save money on your home energy costs this winter.
Tips For Selling Your Home In The New Year
Many people think that selling a home after the holidays and during the Winter season is a bad idea. Most people are not in the home buying mood, because they are thinking about the holidays.