Whether you’re familiar with the market or you’ve never sold a home before, an effective real estate agent can be exactly the thing you need to make for a positive market experience. With the world of real estate in a constant state of flux, here are a few reasons why the right agent can successfully guide you through the muddled waters of the market.
Video: What Is A Counter-Offer?
What Is A Counter-Offer? The video puts this in more visual terms, but basically, a seller can respond to a buyer’s offer with changes – a “counter” – that improves the terms.
Mythbusting: is Winter a Bad Time to Buy a Home? No – and Here’s Why
The cooler months of winter often seem like the best time to hibernate into your house and wait for spring to appear, but it can actually be a prime opportunity to start looking for a new home. If you’re not interested in waiting until next season, here are a few reasons you may want to get started on your home search a little earlier than expected.
How Do I Determine The Initial Offer?
As you’ll see in this video, unless you have a buyer’s agent remember that the agent works for the seller. Make a point of asking him or her to keep your discussions and information confidential.
Real Estate Terminology 101: What Exactly Is A “Buyer’s Market”?
If you’ve been following the real estate industry for any length of time, you’ve probably heard the phrase “buyer’s market” at some point. And although the meaning may seem apparent, it takes some study to understand what actually constitutes a buyer’s market. Who decides whether it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market? What’s the threshold for deciding between the two? Hereâs what you need to know.
Tiny, but Cozy: 3 Ways to Furnish Small Spaces to Make Them Feel Much Larger
When decorating a small space, there is a general desire to make the space look and feel larger than it is while also meeting basic functional needs in the room. By following a few important tips, it is possible to furnish smaller spaces so that they are functional and do not feel cramped.
Dealing with the Summer Heat? How to Keep Your Home Cool Without Using a Ton of Energy
Many people look forward to the long, relaxed, sunny days of summer, but they also dread opening up their energy bills throughout the summer months. Cooling a home can be costly, and many are searching for convenient ways to lower cooling costs without sacrificing on comfort inside the home on the warmest days of the year.
Real Estate Roundup: The Top 5 Apps to Use When Buying or Selling a Home
Just as you may use various mobile apps to streamline and simplify other aspects of your life, you can also use some well-designed apps to improve your overall experience when you are buying or selling property. These are some of the best apps for you to use as you move forward with your real estate plans.
Understanding Commissions and How Your Real Estate Agent is Compensated When Your Home Sells
When you make the decision to sell your home, you may eagerly seek assistance from a skilled real estate agent. With a closer look at how real estate commissions are earned, you will see that your agent will work hard for his or her compensation.
Understanding Valuations and How a Real Estate Agent Can Determine Your Home’s Value
If you are thinking about listing your home for sale, one of the biggest factors that may be holding you back from pulling the trigger on this decision is the value of your home. The fact is that your knowledgeable real estate agent will provide you with a valuation up-front, and this can help you to make a more informed decision.